Tag Archives: Virtual Desktop

What’s the difference between a Persistent Virtual Desktop and a Non-Persistent Virtual Desktop

Persistent Virtual Desktop


  • User Connects to the Same Virtual Desktop whenever they connect
  • The administrator can install specific applications on a single Persistent Virtual Desktop to meet the unique requirements of a particular user
  • Additional Processor, Memory and Storage Resources can easily be assigned to specific Virtual Desktops as needed
  • Microsoft 365 Licensing does not require Shared Computer Activation
  • Third Party software licensing should follow the standard model as each user is assigned a unique Virtual Desktop


  • Persistent Virtual Desktops require considerably more storage space, this is because each Virtual Desktop has its own unique VHDX rather than a single master image
  • Patching is similar to physical devices in that each Persistent Virtual Desktop is a unique self contained entity

Non-Persistent Desktop


  • Reduced storage space requirements as Non-Persistent Desktops use a  master image
  • Patching is easy as only the master image needs to be updated
  • Users cannot install software or change the configuration which improves overall security


  • Not flexible for users with unique software requirements, some users may not fall neatly into a department category
  • Customising the Desktop environment can be more complex and may require App Layering
  • Microsoft 365 Licensing with Shared Computer Activation is required
  • Third Party software licensing may be more complex or expensive depending upon the licensing model